Teaching vocabulary: TEFL strategies for success.


Table of Contents

TEFL: How to teach vocabulary, key methods.

Teach New Words in Context.

Frequent repetition is a must.

Use pictures and other visuals.

Use games to practice new vocabulary.

TEFL: How to teach vocabulary, key methods.

Contextual Learning: Always introduce words within meaningful contexts to boost understanding and recall. Repetition: Strengthen new vocabulary through repeated exposure in different formats. Engaging games: Implement games designed for vocabulary enhancement to make learning interactive and enjoyable. Organization: Encourage students to keep vocabulary journals or flashcards for regular review and practice. By using these techniques, TEFL teachers can ensure students not only learn but also effectively use new vocabulary both inside and outside the classroom.

Teach New Words in Context.

One of the most effective strategies for helping students remember new language is teaching it in context. Simply listing new words on the board and expecting immediate comprehension can lead to disappointment. When introducing new vocabulary, it is best to group related words together rather than unrelated ones. Vocabulary lessons can be themed around topics such as weather, occupations, sports, or anything else related to the target language. Stories incorporating the target language can also be an engaging way to learn and practice vocabulary across reading, writing, and speaking. Through simple yet effective methods, you can gradually enhance your students' understanding of specific language areas.

Frequent repetition is a must.

While teachers' approaches to practicing new vocabulary may vary, repeated exposure to new words is universally recognized as essential. Once new words are introduced, students should practice them aloud, both individually and as a group. The teacher can demonstrate the word or phrase to the class, have them repeat it together, and then ask for individual repetition from randomly selected students. It is important to review this practice at the end of the class, during lesson summaries, and in future classes over the following days and weeks.

Use pictures and other visuals.

As language learners constantly encounter new information, it is important to maximize retention. Simply speaking new words and writing them on the board may suffice for short-term memory, but much of the information will be lost over time. Using pictures and tangible objects can greatly aid retention when introducing new vocabulary. For example, the word 'tractor' is more likely to be remembered if introduced with an engaging picture rather than just written on the board. To enhance understanding and memory, frequently revisit new words using these visuals in future lessons.

Use games to practice new vocabulary.

Making learning fun can significantly increase information retention, whether teaching new vocabulary or other aspects of English. This is especially true for new vocabulary, which can be quickly forgotten if not reinforced. Using games to practice learned words can engage students more and make them feel more comfortable using the words aloud. If you can involve the class in an interactive activity using the target language, they are much more likely to remember it in the weeks to come than if they just read it from a book.

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