Teaching English in Chile?


To obtain a teaching role in Chile, prospective candidates typically must:

  • Exhibit native or near-native fluency in English.
  • Present a clean criminal record.
  • Hold a recognized TEFL qualification.

Besides these prerequisites, Chile promises educators a dynamic journey, with its burgeoning economy, escalating demand for English fluency due to its expanding global presence, and diverse landscapes encompassing its sprawling coastline, majestic Andes, and the distinctive Atacama Desert.

Table of Contents

What are the prerequisites for Teaching English in Chile

Who are the prominent employers of English instructors in Chile?

What are the visa essentials for teaching English in Chile?

What's the optimal approach for applying to English teaching posts in Chile?

What are the prerequisites for Teaching English in Chile

Chile stands out in this domain for its relatively accessible criteria for aspiring English instructors compared to many other nations. At the forefront, a TEFL qualification and native or near-native English fluency are essential. While not always obligatory, a bachelor's degree is viewed favorably by some employers. Although prior classroom experience isn't strictly required, showcasing it on your CV or resume can certainly bolster your candidacy.

Who are the prominent employers of English instructors in Chile?

Primarily, private language institutes lead the charge in employing English instructors in Chile, particularly in urban hubs. Santiago, the capital, emerges as a hotspot for TEFL opportunities, accommodating roughly 40% of the country's population and teeming with teaching prospects. Beyond Santiago, seasoned instructors can explore roles in popular coastal resorts and ski towns.

An alternative avenue is the English Opens Doors Program, a volunteer initiative collaborating with public schools. Eligibility entails being a native or near-native English speaker aged between 21 and 35, holding a bachelor's degree, and having sufficient funds for initial expenses. In return, participants enjoy perks such as free housing, meals, health coverage, local transportation, Spanish lessons, and a monthly stipend of around $100.

What are the visa essentials for teaching English in Chile?

When contemplating teaching English in Chile, prospective instructors typically have two primary visa avenues: the Subject to Contract Visa, priced at approximately $600, and the Professional Visa, costing around $470. While some opt to operate under a 90-day tourist visa, this necessitates periodic border crossings for renewal, potentially causing inconveniences. For the latest visa requirements, it's advisable to consult the official website of the Chilean Embassy.

What's the optimal approach for applying to English teaching posts in Chile?

To secure an English teaching position in Chile, many kick off their quest by scouring online job portals from their home country. Employers who hire remotely often assist with visa arrangements. However, those who venture to Chile and apply in person can firsthand assess schools and tap into a broader spectrum of opportunities. For on-the-ground job hunts, entering Chile on a tourist visa is customary, which can later be converted to a work visa upon securing employment. Notably, peak hiring seasons in Chile typically span from February to March and again from July to August.

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