How many hours can I expect to teach as a TEFL teachers?


Table of Contents

Government and private schools

Corporate teaching

Private language schools

Some cultural aspects

Government and private schools

Typically, overseas schools operate on standard office hours. You will likely be required at school from Monday to Friday, roughly from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., totaling about 40 hours a week. However, actual teaching may be limited to 20-25 hours per week, with the remaining time spent on lesson planning, grading, or other administrative tasks. Weekends are usually free, though some teachers may give private lessons to earn extra money. If you work at a government school, your salary might be higher than the local average monthly wage.

Corporate teaching

In certain countries, English teachers offer lessons to private corporations or businesses. These classes might be scheduled during or outside of employees' working hours. If held outside of work hours, teaching could occur in early mornings before the workday starts, during lunch breaks, or in the evenings after work. If you work with multiple companies with varied class times, your workday might become quite lengthy.

Private language schools

These institutions provide extra lessons to school children or adults outside their regular school or work hours. As a result, most classes will take place in the evenings or on weekends. You may spend around 25 hours a week teaching, with an additional 10 or more hours on lesson planning and other duties.

Some cultural aspects

Finally, remember that cultural differences can influence what constitutes a 'normal' workweek. For example, in Muslim countries, weekends might fall on Thursday and Friday, Friday and Saturday, or Saturday and Sunday. In regions like Europe or Latin America, and sometimes in China, a midday break or siesta, particularly common in rural areas, could halt school activities for up to 2 hours each day.

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