Why Classroom Management is Important for Learning

Class management is an important component of the classroom. A well-managed class, free of distraction, will not only keep the students focused on learning, but will provide them with an environment that is safe, comfortable, and stable for their education. Also, this will enable the students to be at ease in sharing their ideas and create excitement for learning in the classroom.
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Samantha P. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Safety and Comfort
Setting class guidelines for the class is a great way to keep the learning environment safe, comfortable, and stable. Students are more likely to speak and be involved in class discussions if they know they are in a setting where their voices are heard and won’t be laughed at or made fun of by classmates. One guideline a teacher can set for their class to achieve this end is: “Everyone will listen when a classmate is speaking.” This expected behavior guideline lets the class know that everyone has something important to say. Another guideline such as, “be respectful of all” can help eliminate mocking and ridicule from classmates. Simple rules/guidelines like these help to keep students involved and the learning on track.
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Moreover, guidelines during the teacher's lecture time also need to be created. When there is disruption going on around the room, such as students talking out of turn or unnecessary movement, it pulls focus off the subject matter. Managing the class through set rules during the lecture or learning time can solve this problem. Case in point, if the teacher sets the rule, “lecture time is time for listening not talking.” This informs the students when they are expected to listen and keep sharing to a minimum unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
Just as important as setting guidelines is establishing consequences if the guidelines are not followed. For younger children, consequences could range from missing out on a fun group activity to sitting out of recess. For older adolescents or adult learners, being asked to leave the classroom could be an appropriate consequence if guidelines are broken.
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Undoubtedly, the most important element of classroom management is a strong teacher. It falls on the teacher to get everyone involved through a variety of creative learning tools such as open discussion, visual aids, fact echoing, in and out of seat activities, or perhaps songs. However, none of this will make a difference if the class is run poorly. A teacher may have the perfect lesson plan with activities, but if there is chaos, the learning experience will fall short of the teacher’s aspirations. The strong teacher must be willing to not only create guidelines and consequences for behavior in the classroom but must follow through with them. The teacher cannot continually give empty warnings with no consequences. This will train the students to believe their unacceptable actions will go without repercussions. This then will snowball into a classroom full of disruptions and distractions that inhibit effective learning for the students. Being clear and following through with classroom guidelines will allow students to learn and explore in an environment that is constant and inviting. Class management helps to ensure that students can achieve what they are there for, learning.
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