The Best Learning Techniques Every Teacher Should Know

I have always loved and benefited from etymological definitions of words and always wonder sometimes even the etymological definition of a very simple word like “sorry” which leads to great insights and a better understanding of that particular word which in turn pays off in ways that have a great positive impact on both my personal and professional life. For that very reason, I have found the etymological definitions of both words “learning” and “techniques”.
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Mohammad S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
What is Learning?
According to Etymonline website the word “learning” means "to get knowledge, be cultivated; study, read, think about,". As a child of a small village I was surrounded by fields, cultivation was and still is very important in my life. I mean our supermarkets, grocery shops, and ATMs were our fields, our food and money were coming from our fields if we could cultivate better, we would have a better quality of goods and higher bank balance, but if we wouldn’t work hard enough, we had to put up with what we would get.
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What is Technique?
The same website defines the second-word “technique” etymologically as follows “a way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure”. A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the performance of artistic work.
I underlined the meanings be cultivated and of an artistic work is to make my point. I have mentioned earlier about my early childhood as a farmer and shepherd it is easy to imagine how can you get good crops from fields. There are a few simple but vital actions to take. The right time, the necessary preparation such as plowing and watering the field the needed seeds and so on. After sowing the seed, you need to wait for some time, and there you go, ready to harvest the hay, corn, rice or whatever you have grown in your fields. The word artistic always fascinates me I love art because an artist turns a useless and priceless thing into something of great benefit and value.
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Teachers and Students
There is a lot of similarities between a teacher and a farmer a student and a fertile field. For example, the plowing and fertilization of the land of a farmer are almost identical to the preparation and warming up of students of a teacher. Likewise, the teaching of new material of a teacher is almost the same as the sowing of the seed of a farmer that may also open a door to show us how important the role of a teacher is and why do we need to use the right tool for effective teaching. That the watering of fields and taking care of plants can be compared with the drilling and homework of students.
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To sum up, if we could fully understand “farming techniques” and compare it with “learning techniques” I think we could improve our “learning techniques” and could be as fruitful as most of the farmers all around the world are.
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