Sahil Gazi
Sahil is an avid traveler, amateur photographer, and TEFL teacher. Originally from Bangladesh, he has been living, exploring, and teaching in Spain since 2016.
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Lingo in Limbo - What does it mean for Teachers? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Lingos are of significant interest to linguists because they exist within the subsets of linguistics, by observing the significance of individual words or sentences through semantics and their meaning in a broader social context through pragmatics. In this scenario, the subject is in a particular group of lingos. They are a repeating phenomenon, and, as such, they are referred to as being in a "limbo."
Read moreLinguistics for ESL Teachers | ITTT | TEFL Blog
How can being a linguist help you when teaching English as a foreign language? This blog post will explore this topic.
Read moreWhat is it like teaching English in Bangladesh? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Are you interested in moving to Bangladesh to teach English as a foreign language? This article takes a look at what you will expect.
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