Mark Crocker ITTT TEFL
After leaving the UK to travel in the mid-1990s, Mark has to date visited over 50 countries across six continents. After completing a TEFL course in Phuket, Thailand, he decided to make it his base and has since worked as an online TEFL trainer and a freelance writer.
Read my articles
How to Keep Students Motivated When Teaching English Online ✅ | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching online offers a great deal of freedom and flexibility that many teachers find refreshing in comparison to a regular in-class job. ✅ However, it can also be a tough environment to work in if you approach it in the wrong way. Take a look at these simple tips for maintaining motivation when teaching English online. Are you teaching English online and finding it difficult to stay motivated? Take a look at our simple tips to help you stay at the top of your game.
Read moreWhat is a Beginner EFL Student and How Do You Teach Them? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Many first-time teachers, and some with more experience, consider that teaching beginner EFL students is the hardest form of EFL teaching. ✅ However, with the right approach to the preparation and delivery of your lessons, there is no reason why it should be any harder than teaching at any other level.
Read moreThe Most Common TEFL Interview Questions | ITTT | TEFL Blog
People of all ages cringe at the thought of a job interview, but with the right preparation there should be little to fear when applying for EFL teaching jobs. ✅ This post looks at the most common TEFL interview questions you are likely to face and some ideas on how to answer them.
Read moreWhere to go next with your TEFL Career? ✅ | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although many people who complete a TEFL course and head overseas to teach decide to head home after a year or two, there are plenty of others who choose to carry on their TEFL career in the teaching field. ✅ In this post, we look at some of the options available to experienced EFL teachers.
Read moreTeaching English Online: ✅ A Survival Guide | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In a world where teaching English online has become the norm, stress levels among teachers seem to have risen significantly. ✅ The truth is that teaching online doesn’t come naturally to most teachers, no matter how experienced they are. Take a look at these common issues and a few tips for reducing their impact.
Read moreEssential Apps for EFL Teachers ✅ | ITTT | TEFL Blog
When teaching English at home or abroad it makes sense to use every option available to help you plan and deliver the highest quality lessons possible. ✅ In this post, we look at a range of different online apps that are designed to do just that, from organizing and planning to in-class activities and homework.
Read more7 Top Tips for Teaching Business English ✅ | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In many parts of the world a rapid surge in demand for business related English has created a vast number of great opportunities for TEFL qualified teachers. ✅ If you want to join the ranks of teachers in this unique field, take a look at our top tips guide to teaching business English.
Read more6 Top Tips for Engaging Online English Students ✅ | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching English online is an increasingly popular option right now and this popularity is only going to increase as the years go by. ✅ If you want to take advantage of this convenient and potentially lucrative teaching option, take a look at these top tips for engaging online English students.
Read moreFive Online Teaching Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Working online is an increasingly popular option in many professions and English language teaching is no different. Unfortunately, several online employers insist on their teachers having a degree which can put many people off. However, there are still some good options out there for teachers without a degree.
Read moreUltimate Country Match Guide for Teaching EFL in the Middle East | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The Middle East has been a popular region for teaching English abroad for many years but how do you know which country is the best fit for you? Each individual country has its own attractions and characteristics, some you might like and others you might not. Take a look at our country match guide to help you decide which destination is the one for you.
Read moreUltimate Country Match Guide for Teaching EFL in Latin America | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although Latin America is a popular destination for teaching English abroad, there are many different countries to choose from and they each have something to offer. Our country match guide should help you decide which of these top destinations would best suit your individual personality.
Read moreThe Problem of Pronunciation for Russians Learning English | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Every language learner will find certain areas harder than others, depending on their native tongue. In this post, a TEFL course graduate looks at the particular issues that Russian students have when learning English.
Read moreFeeling Comfortable Making Mistakes Can Really Help a Student’s Language Learning | ITTT | TEFL Blog
When learning a new language most students have some level of fear about making mistakes when practicing what they have learned. In this post, an ITTT graduate explains how her own foreign language experience has shaped her teaching philosophy.
Read moreTop Tips for Teaching EFL in a Kindergarten | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Are you planning on teaching English at kindergarten level? In this post, a TEFL course graduate provides some top tips for teaching in this rapidly growing area of English language teaching.
Read moreThe Impact of Nonverbal and Body Language Communication in the Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
It goes without saying that verbal instructions are vital in the classroom, however, nonverbal instructions can be equally important. In this post, an ITTT graduate provides their own insight into the importance of nonverbal communication and body language when teaching English.
Read moreTeaching Multiple Tenses: Should You Do It and If So Which Ones? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching the tense system is a major part of any ESL teacher's job. In this post, a TEFL course graduate looks at how teaching more than one tense at once can save the teacher time and improve results for the students.
Read moreHow Taking a Business English Course Improved My Teaching Preparation | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching English in a business related environment is one of the fastest growing areas of ESL teaching. In this post, an ITTT graduate explains how taking a specialized course in teaching business English helped to change their approach to lesson planning and course preparation.
Read moreWhy Classroom Games are Essential for Building Confidence in English Language Students | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Having the confidence to use your second language knowledge is a vital aspect of language learning. In this post, a TEFL course graduate examines the importance of classroom games for increasing student confidence.
Read moreWhy is the English Language So Popular Worldwide and What is it Used For? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Over the years English use worldwide has increased significantly. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at why its popularity keeps increasing and what kind of situations it is used in.
Read moreHow To Apply TEFL Course knowledge During Your First Lesson In China | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Stepping into a ESL classroom as a teacher for the first time can be a scary prospect. In this post, one of our graduates explains how they would use their TEFL course knowledge to teach that first lesson in China.
Read moreThe Benefits of Using Songs and Music for Warm-Up Activities | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The warm up stage of an ESL class is vital as it sets the tone for the rest of the lesson. In this post, an ITTT graduate outlines how using music at the start of a lesson can really benefit the learning process.
Read moreGames in an ESL Classroom: Are They Really That Important? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In recent years, the use of games in the classroom has become more and more prevalent. In this post, one of our TEFL course graduates looks at whether this is a good thing or not.
Read more8 Classroom Activities that are Great for Kinesthetic Learners | ITTT | TEFL Blog
As teachers we need to be aware of the ways in which different types of learners process information. In this post, an ITTT graduate outlines 8 classroom activities that are ideal for kinesthetic learners.
Read moreHow My Personal Classroom Experiences Have Shaped My Teaching Philosophy | ITTT | TEFL Blog
How a teacher works in the classroom is an ever-evolving thing that is heavily impacting by personal experience. In this post, an ITTT graduate outlines how personal experience has shaped their own teaching philosophy.
Read moreSeven Effective Ways to Motivate Students in a Diverse Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Are you looking for tips on how to motivate your English language students? In this post, a TEFL course graduate provides some great ideas for motivating students in a modern, diverse classroom.
Read moreWhy Exposure is Important when Learning a Second Language | ITTT | TEFL Blog
There are many factors that can impact on the success of a language learner. In this post, one of our graduates looks at the importance of exposure to the target language.
Read moreAre Confidence and Empathy the Most Important Skills When Teaching English? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
There are many factors involved when teaching English as a foreign language, but which are the most important? In this post, an ITTT graduate explains why they think that confidence and empathy are crucial traits for a teacher.
Read moreHow to Effectively Use a Textbook During an ESL Course | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Love them or hate them, textbooks are a feature of most TEFL jobs. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at common ways to adapt your textbook to make it more suitable for your students.
Read moreUnderstanding the Importance of Syllabus Design when Teaching Business English | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Many TEFL qualified teachers go on to teach specialized courses in business English. In this post, one of our graduates examines the importance of syllabus design when teaching a business related English course.
Read moreWhy Understanding the Group Dynamics of an ESL Classroom is Important | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The extent to which a teacher understands the class in front of them can have a huge impact on the success of the lesson. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at the importance of understanding group dynamics in an ESL classroom.
Read moreMotivation and the Language Learner - The Major Factors That Influence It | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Motivation is an important topic to be aware of as an EFL teacher. In this post, one of our graduates talks about some of the main factors that can influence a student's motivation in the classroom.
Read moreHow My Personal Experience Highlights the Importance of Seating Arrangements in the Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The experiences we have as learners can have a major effect on our teaching style in the future. In this post, an ITTT graduate explains how their experience of seating arrangements in the classroom has influenced their ideas as a future EFL teacher.
Read moreThe Main Problems of Teaching Formal and Informal Language | ITTT | TEFL Blog
As with most languages, there are many differences between formal and informal use of English. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at the problems this can cause both the teacher and the student.
Read moreTeaching Young Learners vs. Adult Learners - The Differences You Can Expect | ITTT | TEFL Blog
During their career many EFL teachers will experience teaching both young learners and adults, but what differences can you expect to encounter? In this post, one of our graduates discusses the most common contrasts between these two learning groups.
Read moreWhat It’s Like Teaching Kindergarten in Thailand - My Personal Story | ITTT | TEFL Blog
By completing a TEFL course you will open up a range of opportunities all over the world. In this post, an ITTT graduate shares his experience of teaching English in a kindergarten in Thailand.
Read moreHow I Constructed My First ESL Lesson Plan | ITTT | TEFL Blog
One of the key skills you will learn during a TEFL certification course is lesson planning. In this post, an ITTT graduate shares the first lesson plan she created in her first job as an ESL teacher.
Read moreChild Development and Piaget’s Theory - a Brief Summary | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teachers are always looking for ideas that might help them to better understand their students. In this post, one of our graduates explores the child development theories put forward by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget.
Read moreFrom Student to Teacher - My Language Journey | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Every TEFL student enjoys their own unique experience, both during and after their course. In this post, an ITTT graduate talks about their own journey from EFL student to EFL teacher.
Read moreWhy I Prefer Teaching ESL to Individuals Rather than Groups | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Once qualified as a TEFL teacher you will have many opportunities to teach in different environments. In this post, an ITTT graduate explains why they prefer teaching individual students rather than groups.
Read moreLesson Planning: What is it and Why is it Necessary? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
During a TEFL certification course you will cover many subjects including lesson planning. In this post, a graduate looks at what lesson planning actually is and why it is important.
Read moreWhat My TEFL Course Taught Me About Classroom Management | ITTT | TEFL Blog
A TEFL certification course covers a wide range of subjects to help you improve your teaching style. In this post, one of our graduates looks at what the course taught them about classroom management.
Read moreTips for Teaching Different Types of English Learning Groups | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this post, a course graduate gives their view on the the different types of English language learners and some tips on how to teach them.
Read moreIs Maintaining Discipline Really That Important to the Learning Process? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
One important part of any TEFL certification course is learning how to control a classroom. But is maintaining discipline really that important? One of our course graduates takes a look at this question in this post.
Read moreThe Importance of Diagnostic Tests in an ESL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
There are many different tests that an ESL teacher can use to ensure their classes are as effective as possible. In this post, an ITTT graduate takes a look at the importance of using diagnostic tests.
Read moreWhat is Classroom Management and How Does it Affect the ESL Classroom? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Of the many skills needed to teach a successful lesson, effective classroom management is probably one of the most important. In this post, an ITTT graduate takes a look at a range of factors concerning this key part of language teaching.
Read moreThe Benefits of Foreign Language Experience When Traveling the World | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Anyone who has visited another country is likely to have experienced some level of foreign language interaction. In this post, one of our course graduates discusses their own experience of foreign languages while teaching and traveling.
Read moreThe Impact of Local Culture on Education in Laos | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Every country has its own unique cultural issues that English teachers need to consider in the classroom. Here, one of our graduates takes a look at the impact of local culture on EFL classrooms in Laos.
Read moreSetting Up an English Course in Vietnam - a Graduate’s Story | ITTT | TEFL Blog
By completing a TEFL certification course you will have a wide choice of options ahead of you. In this post, an ITTT graduate talks about their own unique experience of setting up an English course in Vietnam.
Read moreHow and When Should a TEFL Teacher Adjust Their Teaching Style? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
No two classrooms are ever the same so it is important that a teacher is able to adjust their style to suit each individual set of students. In this post, an ITTT graduate discusses how and when to make changes to your teaching in an ESL classroom.
Read moreTEFL Options - Alternatives to Working in a State School or Language Center | ITTT | TEFL Blog
For many TEFL graduates, working in a state run school or a private language center is the obvious outcome of gaining a TEFL qualification, but what other options are there? Here, one of our graduates looks at some other popular choices.
Read moreThe Differences Between British English and American English, and How to Teach It | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The many differences between American and British English have caused amusement among language students for years. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at these differences and how teachers can approach them in the classroom.
Read moreFrom Taxi Driver to International Teacher - a Graduate’s Story | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Every person who takes a TEFL course has their own reasons for doing it and their paths are often very different. In this post, one of our graduates tells their own personal story.
Read moreHow Confidence Can Affect a Language Student's Performance | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Self-confidence is a major issue for students in any situation, but when learning a foreign language it can be crucial. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at ways teachers can help to boost the confidence of students in their class.
Read moreSeating Arrangements in the English Language Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The job of an English language teacher involves a great deal of forward planning and one area of this is classroom layout. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at the four most common ways to arrange your classroom.
Read moreThe Anatomy of an Outstanding Teacher | ITTT | TEFL Blog
What do you think makes a teacher stand out? In this post, an ITTT graduate gives their thoughts on what makes a great teacher.
Read moreWhy Games Are So Important in the English Language Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
As ESL teachers there are many things we can do to make our lessons both productive and enjoyable. In this post, an ITTT graduate discusses the benefit of games as a teaching tool.
Read moreThe Three Key Parts of Classroom Management | ITTT | TEFL Blog
By taking a TEFL certification course you will learn about many different areas of teaching the English language. In this post, one of our graduates takes a look at classroom management.
Read moreWhy I Chose an Online TEFL Course Instead of an In-Class TEFL Course | ITTT | TEFL Blog
At ITTT we offer a wide range of online and in-class TEFL certification courses. In this post, one of our graduates explains why an online option was the best choice for him.
Read moreThe Impact of Positive Motivation on an ESL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The ability to motivate students is a very important trait for all teachers. In this post, one of our course graduates looks at how positive motivation can impact on an ESL classroom.
Read moreThe Positive Effects of Technology in the ESL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The world of English language teaching has seem many changes due to the advancement of technology. In this post, an ITTT graduate gives their opinion on the merits of embracing new technology in the ESL classroom.
Read moreHow Important are Phonology and Pronunciation in the English Language Classroom? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
There are many important areas of English language teaching, including phonology and pronunciation, but how important are they? In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at these areas from his own experience in the classroom.
Read moreWhy Teachers Need to Complete a TEFL Certification Course Before Heading Overseas | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Many people think that simply speaking English is qualification enough for becoming an English teacher abroad. In this post, one of our course graduates explains why this is not the best approach for the teacher or their students.
Read moreWhat is Rapport and How Does It Affect the Dynamics of an EFL Classroom? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Establishing a good rapport with your students is a fundamental part of achieving a successful atmosphere in the classroom. In this post, an ITTT graduate looks at some of the factors involved in this area of teaching.
Read moreCommon Factors that Affect 1st Language and 2nd Language Learning | ITTT | TEFL Blog
There are many differences in how we learn our native language and how we learn a second language. In this post, a TEFL course graduate looks at some of the main differences between these two experiences.
Read moreMy Experience of Learning a Second Language as an American | ITTT | TEFL Blog
How we learn a second language differs greatly depending on where in the world we receive our education. In this post an ITTT graduate reveals his own personal experience of learning a second language in the USA.
Read moreThe Importance of Evaluation and Testing in an Educational System | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Evaluation and testing are important areas of an English language teachers day to day job. In this post an ITTT graduate looks at what these terms actually mean and how to use them in your classroom.
Read moreMy Experience of Child Development in the Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this post one of our TEFL course graduates gives his own thoughts on child development, both as a parent and a teacher.
Read moreHow Globalization Has Fueled the TEFL Boom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The number of people learning English worldwide continues to grow every year and so does the need for qualified English language teachers. In this post an ITTT graduate looks at how globalization has fueled the TEFL boom.
Read moreThe Neutral Language: Why the lack of formal and informal language sets English apart | ITTT | TEFL Blog
There are many things that differ between English and other common languages that can make it easier or harder for those studying it. Here, one of our graduates looks at the subject of formal and informal language within English usage.
Read moreCultural Sensitivity in the Classroom and the Geert Hofstede Model | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Cultural sensitivity is a very real issue in TEFL classrooms across the world, so what can teachers do to avoid any problems. In this post an ITTT graduate discusses the merits of the Geert Hofstede Model and how it relates to English language teaching.
Read moreWhat I Have Learned About Teaching Business English in Brazil | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching business English is one of the fastest growing areas in the TEFL world. In this post an ITTT graduate discusses their own experience in this field of English language teaching.
Read moreMy Unforgettable Experience Teaching Kindergarten in the Middle East | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching English abroad is a unique experience for every teacher. In this post an ITTT graduate shares her experience of teaching English in the Middle East.
Read moreTeaching Receptive Skills to Business English Students | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching business English students is a specialized profession that comes with its own unique challenges. In this post one of our graduates discusses his own experiences teaching business English to Russian students.
Read moreWhy I Decided a TEFL Course was the Right Path for Me | ITTT | TEFL Blog
All our trainees have their own reasons for taking a TEFL/TESOL certification course. Here one of our graduates explains why they decided it was a good option for them.
Read moreWhat I learned About a Teacher’s Attitude During My TEFL Certification Course | ITTT | TEFL Blog
You will undoubtedly learn many things during a TEFL certification course, but what will you find the most inspiring? In this post one of our graduates talks about what they learned regarding the attitude of a teacher in the classroom.
Read moreTeaching English Vocabulary to Young Learners | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Teaching English vocabulary to young learners is sometimes seen as a chore by inexperienced teachers. In this post one of our graduates looks at why this doesn't have to be the case.
Read moreWhy ESA is Still the Most Effective Methodology in the English Language Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
One of the fundamental parts of a TEFL certification course is learning about teaching methodologies. In this post an ITTT course graduate gives their opinion on the ESA teaching method.
Read moreThe Difference Between Teaching ESL and Teaching EFL | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this article, an ITTT TEFL course graduate discusses the difference between teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) and teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL).
Read moreWhat’s it Like Teaching EFL in a Kindergarten in Vietnam? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this article an ITTT TEFL course graduate talks about her own experience of teaching English in a kindergarten in Vietnam.
Read moreThe Many Reasons For Taking a TEFL Course | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this article, an ITTT TEFL course graduate shares their thoughts on the many different reasons people have for taking a TEFL certification course.
Read moreThe Most Common Problems Students in Mongolia Face When Learning English | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this article, an ITTT TEFL course graduate takes a look at the specific issues facing English language learners in modern day Mongolia.
Read moreHow Taking a TEFL Certification Course Has Improved My Online English Teaching | ITTT | TEFL Blog
This article was written by a course graduate who shares her thoughts on how taking a TEFL certification course has helped her develop her online English teaching career.
Read more3 Key Points to Consider When Teaching English to Young Learners | ITTT | TEFL Blog
In this article, an ITTT TEFL course graduate shares 3 key points to consider when teaching English to young learners.
Read more8 Best Places to Teach English Abroad for Food Lovers | ITTT | TEFL Blog
You will get to enjoy many new experiences while teaching English abroad and one of those is the chance to treat your taste buds by indulging in the local cuisine. Here we look at 8 countries that have a strong demand for TEFL qualified teachers and a strong tradition of producing excellent food.
Read more8 Must-Visit Places When Teaching English in Mexico | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Mexico is one of the most popular destinations for teaching ESL anywhere in the world, but what is there to do in your free time away from the classroom? Here we look at 8 of the most popular places to visit across this fascinating country.
Read more5 Great Destinations for Surfers to Teach English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
When it comes to choosing a destination for teaching English abroad, there are many factors to consider, including how you like to spend your free time. If surfing is your thing, or you are keen to give it a go, there are several great options out there. Take a look at our 5 Great Destinations for Surfers to Teach English Abroad.
Read moreStep-By-Step Guide to Legally Teaching English in Thailand | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Thailand has been at the forefront of teaching English abroad in Asia for many years. However, the rules and regulations on visas and work permits have regularly changed which can make it very confusing for new arrivals. For an up-to-date run-down of all the information you need, take a look at our Step-By-Step Guide to Legally Teaching English in Thailand!
Read moreThe Lowdown on Teaching English Abroad With a Family | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although teaching English abroad is often considered to be reserved for the young and single among us, this is far from the actual truth. In countries all over the world you will find teachers who have moved overseas with their family. While it might involve a little more planning than for a single teacher, it certainly doesn’t have to be a barrier that stops you fulfilling your dream of teaching English as a foreign language.
Read moreThe Top 5 Places to Teach English in Brazil | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Due to its booming economy and huge population, Brazil has one of the fastest growing markets for foreign English language teachers in Latin America. Throughout the country you will find a wide range of job opportunities, from language schools and private tutoring to in-house work across the business sector. In this post we examine the top 5 destinations for teaching English in Brazil.
Read moreTop Tips for Sending Money Back Home While Teaching English Overseas | ITTT | TEFL Blog
If you want to teach English as a foreign language overseas but are concerned about paying off existing debts such as a student loan or a mortgage, don’t be! It is common practice for EFL teachers to regularly send some of their earnings home. This guide looks at the options available for money transfers worldwide.
Read more5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Russia for Teaching English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although Russia has one of the highest demands for English language teachers in the world, it is often overlooked. However, there are many reasons why we think you should seriously consider Russia as a TEFL destination, and here are our top 5.
Read moreGreat Ideas for Teaching Listening Skills in the ESL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
It is not unusual for some ESL teachers to shy away from certain kinds of lesson as they are unsure how to make them interesting and productive. One common lesson that teachers often struggle with is listening skills. Here we look at some great ways to improve listening skills lessons in the ESL classroom.
Read moreGreat Ideas for Teaching Writing Skills in the ESL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
To provide a rounded English language education you need to cover all the different language skills equally. However, many teachers struggle to make their writing skills lessons interesting, relevant and motivating for their students. Take a look at these simple ideas for improving the way you plan and deliver writing skills lessons in your ESL classroom.
Read more5 Activities for Using Movies in the ESL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
One of the main goals for all ESL teachers should be to make their lessons both enjoyable and relevant to the everyday lives of their students. One great way to achieve this is to plan some lessons around movies. Here are 5 great movie based activities that you can use in your classroom.
Read moreTop Tips for Teaching English in Europe | ITTT | TEFL Blog
With around 50 countries to choose from, Europe offers a wide array of options for TEFL certified teachers from all over the world. If it is your chosen destination, take a look at our top tips guide to help you plan your European adventure.
Read moreUltimate Country Match Guide for Teaching EFL in Asia | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although Asia is the number one destination for teaching English abroad, there are many different countries to choose from and they each have something different to offer. Our country match guide should help you decide which of these top destinations would best suit your individual personality.
Read moreTEFL Breakdown - What Subjects Will Your TEFL Course Cover? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
It is well known that completing a TEFL certification course will help you to gain better quality teaching jobs in many parts of the world, but do you actually know what subjects the course will cover? Here we look at all the major topics you will study during your TEFL training.
Read moreTop Tips for Taking an Online TEFL Course | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Online training courses have many advantages and they are becoming increasingly popular with people looking to get TEFL certified. If you are new to self-study or are concerned that you will struggle with distance learning, take a look at our top tips for taking an online TEFL course.
Read moreNicaragua - the Rising Star for EFL Teaching in Central America | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Central America is particularly popular with American and Canadian teachers due to its close proximity to their home countries, however, the majority don’t look beyond the well trodden paths that lead to Costa Rica and Panama. Here we look at one of the region's better kept secrets, Nicaragua.
Read more5 Highlights of Teaching English in Argentina | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Argentina continues to be a popular destination due to the large number of teaching vacancies, competitive salaries and its safe and welcoming environment. But what is there to do in your time away from the classroom? Here are our top 5 highlights when teaching English in Argentina.
Read moreWhat’s Stopping You from Teaching English Abroad? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although leaving behind your existing life to teach English in another country is a big deal that needs to be thought through, it is likely to be one of the best decisions you will ever make. So why doesn’t everyone do it? Here we look at the top reasons why people put off or abandon their dreams of teaching overseas and ways to fix them.
Read moreTop Time Fillers for an EFL Classroom | ITTT | TEFL Blog
No matter how well you plan your lessons, it is inevitable that you will sometimes finish before the class is over. However, there is no need to panic as there are plenty of great activities that you can use to fill in the time. Here are a few of our favorites.
Read moreTop Online Lesson Plan Resources for New and Advanced Teachers | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Once their TEFL career is underway, most teachers use the internet to find lesson plans and other teaching resources to keep their lessons fresh and their students coming back for more. Take a look at these top online lesson plan resources for new and advanced teachers.
Read moreThe Top 5 Places to Teach English in Japan | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Japan is a destination that has drawn large numbers of foreign teachers to its shores for decades and that is unlikely to change anytime soon. Whatever your preferences, you are sure to find a town or city to suit the lifestyle that you want to enjoy. To give you an idea of your options we have put together this list of the top 5 destinations for teaching English in Japan.
Read moreThe Top 5 Places to Teach English in Thailand | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Thailand has been a hit with TEFL qualified teachers for many years, with year-round warm weather, great food, fascinating culture, amazing beaches, and a lively nightlife just a few of the reasons why. There are also a wide range of possible locations to choose from. In this post we take a look at some of the most popular destinations for foreign teachers in Thailand.
Read moreTop 5 Tips for Making Friends While Teaching English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
One of the main worries for many people who are heading overseas to teach English for the first time is the thought of being all alone in an unfamiliar environment without the support of their friends and family. In an effort to ease these concerns, this post looks at 5 ways you can make new friends in your new hometown.
Read moreThe Top Hiring Seasons for Teaching English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although you can find an English teaching job at any time of the year in some areas, if you have a specific destination in mind you need to know the best time of year to start applying. In this post we take a look at the main hiring seasons in each of the top regions for teaching English abroad.
Read moreAll the Documents You Will Need to Teach English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
The planning involved in heading overseas to teach English abroad can seem a bit daunting at first, but with the right advice it should be much easier than you first thought. In this post we look at all the documents you will need to organize in advance and some of the things you can leave until later.
Read moreWhy You Should Take Specialized TEFL Courses | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although there is never any shortage of English language teaching jobs in most parts of the world, competition for the best paying positions in the most popular locations can sometimes be very strong. To make sure your application rises to the top of the pile, you should seriously consider adding additional qualifications to your CV/resume. Here we look at why specialized TEFL courses are a great addition to your teaching career.
Read more6 Tips You Need to Know About Jobs Teaching English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although many thousands of people head overseas to teach English abroad each year, the planning process can be a stressful time that puts some people off making the final leap. This article on the 6 Tips You Need to Know About Jobs Teaching English Abroad is aimed at reducing the stress of planning by breaking down the most important things to consider.
Read more8 Reasons to Teach English in Thailand | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Across the world there are a few countries that can genuinely be considered as English teaching hot spots and Thailand is certainly one of them. If you want to know what makes it so popular and maybe see if it is the right destination for you, read through our 8 Reasons for Teaching English in Thailand.
Read more5 Great Places to Teach English Abroad Without a Degree | ITTT | TEFL Blog
One of the most common concerns among people thinking about teaching English abroad is: can I find a teaching job if I don’t have a degree? The simple answer is YES. This list of 5 Great Places to Teach English Abroad Without a Degree highlights just a few of your many options.
Read more6 Reasons for Teaching English in the Czech Republic | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Many teachers who choose Europe as their destination for teaching English abroad only look at high profile countries such as France, Italy and Spain. However, we think there are at least 6 good reasons why you should also consider the Czech Republic for your European adventure.
Read moreHow to Legally Teach English in Italy with a Student Visa | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Although English teaching jobs are plentiful in many parts of Italy, it is often difficult for non-EU citizens to secure a work permit. One popular alternative is to apply for a student visa which also allows you to work part-time during your stay.
Read moreHow to Legally Teach English in Spain with a Student Visa | ITTT | TEFL Blog
Spain has been one of the top destinations in Europe for teaching English abroad for many years, but being able to secure a visa to do it legally is not easy for non-EU citizens. The good news is you can apply for a student visa which allows you to study and teach during your stay.
Read moreThe Best Places for Non-Native English Speakers to Teach English Abroad | ITTT | TEFL Blog
If you dream of teaching English abroad but are concerned that jobs are limited to native English speakers only, don’t be as there are many great opportunities waiting for non-native speakers in a variety of countries worldwide.
Read moreHow to Save Money While Teaching English Abroad? | ITTT | TEFL Blog
If saving some of your earnings while teaching English abroad is important to you there are a few things you can do to help make it happen. Have a look at these simple tips that range from where in the world to teach to where to do your shopping.
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