5 Exciting Flashcard Activities

This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate EUNICE E. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
1. All Change
Players stand in a circle, with one player in the middle. Each player in the circle has a picture or word flashcard. Call out two of the picture card items. The two players holding these cards have to change places without the person in the middle taking one of their spots in the circle. When the person in the middle succeeds in taking a place in the circle, the other player hands over his or her card and takes a turn in the middle. At any time you can call out "All change!" and this means that everyone has to change places. Use this if you see someone is getting stuck in the middle.
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2. Board Bash
For other vocabulary stick picture cards up on the board and either call out the words only for beginners or use sentences with the words in. Students listen for the correct word and throw the beanbag. A way to ensure all students listen carefully is not to designate the student who will throw the bag until after you have named the word or read out the sentence. If a student was not listening you can deduct a point from that team for negligence if you find this to be a problem. It is important to keep the pace up as much as possible otherwise imagine the time lag between going with 20 students. Otherwise, bring in different colored bean bags - one color per team - and let two or three students aim at the board simultaneously. This will help give everyone a turn and keep the students much more interested. Students who have had a turn can pick up the beanbags and give them out. You may also delegate scorekeeping and watching for hits.
3. British Bulldog
One player, the bulldog, stands in the middle of the room with all the other players at one end of the room or playground. Give each player a picture or word flashcard, big enough for the bulldog to be able to see them. The players chant to the bulldog "hello, hello, how do you do, who do you want to help you?" or "Mr. Bulldog, what will you have for your tea?" and the bulldog replies, "I'll have chips". The player with the chips has to run to the other side. A basic version would be for the bulldog to name the flashcards only with no question and answer format. With a big class, the bulldog should request three things for his tea so more people have to run across - this prevents the game from dragging on too long.
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4. Call My Bluff
Let's say you would like to practice the days of the week. Make a sufficient supply of small cards for your class numbers, one day of the week per card. Students are dealt with all the cards. The first person lays down any day of the week, upside down and names the day, for example, Tuesday. The next person HAS to lay down either the day before or the day after. If he/she does not have the correct day he/she has to bluff. If a player thinks the person is bluffing he/she challenges them. "You're bluffing!" If the person is bluffing he/she must pick up all the cards in the pile and add them to their hand. If he/she was telling the truth, then the challenger has to take all the cards. Players can lay down more than one card at a time but they are inferring that they are all the same card, three Mondays for example. The winner is the one who has no cards left. Alternatively, play for a set time limit then let the pupils count up their cards and the winner is the one who has the least cards left at that time.
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5. Chanting Game
Blindfold one child and place a picture card or item somewhere in the room. The other children must guide the blindfolded child to the picture by chanting the word over and over again. Quiet chanting means the child is far away from the picture, louder chanting means the child is approaching the picture. Once the child has found the picture swap over and let a few more children have a go, but not necessarily every child. Keep it fresh and move onto something else quickly. A variation of this game is to hide two pictures or items around the room and divide your group into two teams. One child from each team must find a picture with the group guiding him or her in the same way as above. No blindfold is needed in this version as the picture is hidden. The two teams race to have their seeker find their picture first.
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