Productive and Receptive Skills in the ESL Classroom - Productive Skills Overview


This presentation is going to cover the teaching of productive skills. To start with, if we think about the way in which you learnt your first language, most of us go through a particular process. Firstly, we listen to those around us, after that first silent period of listening to other people, then we start to make utterances. Having learned to speak to a certain extent at least, we then go on to learn how to read and to write and this process that we go through is actually covering the four skills that we're trying to teach our English students. So, we have listening, speaking, reading, and writing. If we group those skills into their different types, then the two skills of reading and listening are known as receptive skills, whereas the skills of speaking and writing are known as productive skills. In this session, we're going to focus on the production skills and have a look at how to create a lesson for that.

Below you can read feedback from an ITTT graduate regarding one section of their online TEFL certification course. Each of our online courses is broken down into concise units that focus on specific areas of English language teaching. This convenient, highly structured design means that you can quickly get to grips with each section before moving onto the next.

There are four major ways that sounds join together in English: linking, sound dropping(t,d), sound changing, extra lettering. There are such places of articulation(physical location of a phoneme`s production): Velar(g, k sounds) Palatial(j sound) Palatiolal-alveolar(Ê’ sound) Alveolar(t sound) Dental Labio-Dental(f, v sounds) Bilabial(b, m, w) GlottalTroubleshooting is the last lesson I have learned from these courses. I will face the first English lesson I give of my life. I feel exited and nervous. Also I know establish rapport between students or students and teach is the most important over all. With the friendly atmosphere,students have motivation to learn and more effective to accept knowledge .