Can I choose where I teach English abroad?

YES. One of the many attractions of teaching English abroad is that you are free to choose the country or city where you would prefer to live and work. As demand for English language teachers is so high in many parts of the world, there is undoubtedly somewhere that is perfect for everyone. Whether you dream of living in Barcelona, Bangkok or Bogota, with an internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL certification the world is your oyster. However, the requirements for foreign teachers do vary greatly from one country to the next, and they may limit the options that are open to you. Before making any final plans, it is highly recommended that you research the requirements for your country of choice.

Table of Contents

Will my nationality have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job?

Do I need a university degree to get a TEFL job?

Will my age have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job?

Will my gender have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job?

What is the typical contract length in my country of choice?

Will my nationality have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job?

In some cases, language schools are restricted to only hiring teachers who hold citizenship of a native English speaking country. These are generally considered to be the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Do I need a university degree to get a TEFL job?

In some countries, it is a legal requirement that foreign teachers hold a 4-year degree.

Will my age have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job?

There are limitations on hiring teachers over a certain age in some countries, typically around 55.

Will my gender have an impact on where I can get a TEFL job?

Across the Middle East region in particular, many jobs are restricted to men only or women only, depending on the gender of the students. Men only positions are typically more numerous.

What is the typical contract length in my country of choice?

The length of contract you are required to sign can vary from six months in some countries, to twelve months in others. In Europe they might run for nine or ten months, as summers are often taken off.