These are the Best Government Programs for Teaching English Abroad

Hi my name is Linda from ITTT, international TEFL and TESOL Training and I'm back again today for another live session. If you can hear me and see me please let me know as I'm trying out a new mic today so if that is working well it would be good to know. So please leave a quick comment to say hi and where you're watching from. I have been living in South Korea for five and a half years, so for me right now it's 10:00 a.m. Friday morning. Let me know where you are tuning in from and what time it is where you are.
We can get started on today's topic which is the best government programs for teaching English abroad. If you're interested in teaching English abroad then you should definitely keep watching as there's a lot of good stuff coming your way.
Watch the live session here
Great, so we are actually doing live streams twice a week. I'm on Friday or Thursday, depending on where you're watching from and then my colleague Liza is on every Tuesday and she's a non-native English teacher from Russia. She's really great and she has a lot of great tips about online teaching and tips for non-native English speakers who want to become English teachers and get TEFL certified. If that's something that you're interested in I highly recommend checking her out. In order for you not to miss any live sessions in the future I suggest you like and subscribe to our pages on Facebook and YouTube right now as we are live on both at the same time. Wherever you're watching from, hit that subscription and notification bell and then you won't miss anything. If you're listening to this as a podcast episode thanks so much for downloading, we always turn our live sessions into podcast episodes so audio only if that's something that you're interested in check us out. You can search for ITTT on iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and all the other platforms by searching for the TEFL and TESOL Podcast by ITTT.
A couple of new comments here. Daniel is in Haiti and says it's 8:00 p.m. Nvidia says she has signed up for the 120-hour TEFL course with free young learners course that I suggested during the last live session. That’s really awesome, I was happy that I could help you make that decision, that's really great and you know once you have that course maybe in a couple years you might want to add some more courses like the teaching business English course or the teaching English online course. Anyway, that's a great place to start your teaching journey.
Okay, now as I always mention we have a special offer at the end of the session in the form of a discount code that you don't want to miss. It's a great deal as it gives you 30% off our courses. We will get to that later, so stick around.
So back to today's topic. The best government programs for teaching English abroad. So what does that mean?
Well there are several countries that have government-funded programs that place foreigners who want to teach English into public or private schools in their countries. Today we are going to take a look at the most popular and best programs. There are countries from all over in this presentation, so wherever you are interested in teaching there might be something for you, so I highly recommend you keep watching until the end, also for the special offer discount code.
If you have to go you can always watch the replay after the live session ends, they're always available on our YouTube channel and also on our Facebook page. So let's get started, let me share my screen with you guys.
As always I will do a brief introduction about myself. If you've been here a couple of times already it is probably boring for you, but I always like to introduce myself to people who are new here. My name is Linda and I'm on the one side a travel writer and content creator under the name Linda Goes East. You can find me at and on social media at Linda Goes East. I'm originally from Germany and the USA as my Mom is German and my Dad's American. I'm based in South Korea and have been here for five and a half years and before that I was in China. I also taught English in China and I also taught English in Korea. And yeah I'm also a TEFL and TESOL marketing professional at ITTT, International TEFL and TESOL Training. You can find ITTT at and on Instagram which we are desperately trying to grow at International TEFL Training, so if you're on Instagram please head over there and give us a follow. That would mean so much to us, it would make my day.
The first question I have for you guys today is where in the world would you most like to teach English?
This is mainly about teaching abroad today, not teaching online, but if you want to teach online you can also say that obviously, so where would you like to teach? Let me know in the comments. What's the one place that you're most interested in teaching. Nvidia just made a funny comment, you should have named your website Linda Goes Everywhere not just east. Yeah, but you know I focus on Asia and I am from the west and then I moved east, but I guess you are right, ha ha.
Tiana says South Korea, okay that’s great. Then we have Mary who also says South Korea, awesome. I was actually thinking about doing a special live session just about South Korea as it is so popular. I might do that in the future, let me know if that's something that you're interested in and I will do that. What about other people here?
Hello again Tiana, you're watching every week I love that. Flavia says that Europe is my dream, maybe Sweden. Very nice. Then we have Brett who says Italy, Germany, France, or Korea. So Europe or Korea, that’s great. Irma says she is still interested in teaching in Thailand. That’s also a very popular choice.
Vidya says I'm already in the place I want to teach, but I want to know more about Japan. Okay, where are you teaching at the moment I forgot? Juliana says South Korea, Japan, or France. Awesome. Mary Ann says South Korea or Thailand. Cool, so a really good mix so far.
Okay, Nvidia says she is already in Japan. That’s great, maybe you can help me out in a little bit because I will be talking about Japan. I will also be talking about Korea and a couple of other countries mentioned so far.
All right then, let's get right into the best government programs for teaching English abroad. Let's start with the EPIK Program in South Korea.
EPIK stands for the English Program in Korea. We have had a few comments here that said they were interested in teaching in South Korea so this is something that you want to pay close attention to. I know a lot of people who are working in the EPIK Program so I know it pretty well. Basically the EPIK Program is run by the Korean government and it places foreign teachers into schools across the country to work as English language instructors. It can be at all different levels and schools, some of my friends work at two or three different schools.
The EPIK Program is popular because it offers competitive salaries, attractive extra benefits, and the chance to live and work in a unique cultural environment in East Asia. Here's the link where you can apply. I want to mention that obviously you should always check for accuracy in terms of information. I have done my research, this is all from my own and my ITTT team's research, but obviously you should always turn to the official organization for all your additional questions as we are not from the EPIK Program. We are just giving you the information, so check out the website if you want to apply as they are currently hiring teachers into the program.
A little bit more about the requirements for the EPIK Program. Unfortunately, it's not open to everybody as you have to be a citizen of a country where English is the primary language, so that's typically Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, or South Africa. You need to have a passport from one of those countries or you must have studied from at least the junior high level, so seventh grade and graduated from a university in one of those countries to be eligible. However, Indian citizens are also eligible for positions if they meet all other requirements and hold a teacher's license in English. So that's also good to know because I get a lot of questions from Indians who want to teach English in South Korea. You also need to have a bachelor's degree, so four years from an accredited university.
If you only have a two year associate's degree then you can also apply for a program in Korea but not the EPIK Program. In this case you would apply for the TaLk Program. The TaLk Program is also for teaching English in South Korea, but usually for younger people because it's on the associates level. It's pretty similar, so you can also go and teach English in Korea with the TaLk Program. For more information I would recommend checking out the website.
For the EPIK Program you also need to have a TEFL or TESOL certificate of at least 100 hours, but if you have a teaching license or you majored in education it's not required. But if you do have one it's still a bonus as it's a very competitive program so you want to be at your best. Basically, you want to have the best professional portfolio possible in order to get selected.
Next we will look at how much you will get paid on the EPIK Program. They have a pay scale which you can see on the left side of the table, it might be a little small but basically they split it up into levels depending on your qualifications, so the more qualifications and certificates you have the more money you can make.
Okay, Tiana says that the TaLk Program is mostly in rural areas. Yes, but the EPIK Program can also be in rural areas as one of my friends works here in my city which is like 850,000 people, but on the outskirts and she works for three different schools I believe. Two of her schools are rural schools, so she actually needs to take the bus for 40 or 50 minutes and go into the countryside and teach there, so it can happen in the EPIK Program as well. Anyway, that shouldn't scare you because I think it's a more authentic Korean experience and Korea is quite small so you can always jump on the bus or train and head up to Seoul. So yeah, thanks for that.
So back to the salary, basically it depends on your qualifications, but the highest you can make is 2.7 million Korean Won, so you can be a millionaire in Korea. Basically 2.7 million Won is around $2,500 US. Let me check that quickly on the currency app. So 2.7 million is $2,460 at the moment, so that's the highest you can make. The starting salary is 2.1 million Won, which is just under $2,000, which might not sound like a huge amount but considering the additional benefits like a fully furnished apartment, paid airfares in and out of the country, a 300,000 Won settlement allowance, 18 days paid leave plus all national holidays, and you get one month salary bonus on completion of the contract. There is also a national pension scheme that you pay into when you teach in Korea and then when you leave you get the whole lot back. If you stay even just one year it's a couple of thousand dollars I think. It's great when you leave and you have this whole chunk of money which is nice for when you go back and whatever you want to do after that.
It’s also interesting to know that EPIK hires for two terms each year according to the Korean public school calendar, so applications for the spring term open on August 1st of the previous year. They hire pretty early in advance so you need to be early and positions for the fall term open on February 1st of the same year, so keep that in mind if that's something that you want to do. Apply early and like I said check out the website.
Let me look at some comments. All right, Ahmed says I'm a teacher and a non-native speaker, what should I do?
Okay, that depends, are you interested in Korea? If you have a passport from one of those countries, no problem, also if you're from India and you have a teaching license, no problem, you are eligible. If not then you might have to wait a little bit for other options in this presentation.
Gwendolyn says can people who aren't from the eligible countries teach in South Korea?
A similar question to Ahmed, but yeah if you're not from one of those English-speaking countries and you're not Indian and you don't have a teaching license it's still possible under certain circumstances. For example, the visa that teachers in Korea get is the E-2 visa, but there are also other visa types that allow you to live and work in Korea. Maybe your country has the work and travel option, you could look into that. There's a work and travel visa for South Korea and then there's also a visa for people who have Korean ancestors up to the third generation. Then there's the spousal visa, you could get married and then move to Korea. There's also a bunch of other different visas, so if it’s something that you're interested in and you really want to get there you should check with your nearest Korean embassy in your country.
Vidya says when it says teaching license will the 120-hour TEFL certification count as a teaching license?
So the 120-hour TEFL certification is not a teaching license. What that means for Indian citizens is a teacher's license in English is required and I assume that would be an Indian teaching license in English, not a TEFL certificate. A TEFL certificate is not a teaching license it's a teaching certificate, they're on a different level. Typically you do not need a teaching license in order to teach English abroad because those are just for your country. So if you want to teach in your country you get a teaching license, if you want to teach English abroad you would get a TEFL certificate. But in this case they require both for Indian citizens.
All right, excellent question from Alejandro. How long is the TEFL certification valid for as I got certified in October 2017?
So your TEFL certificate never expires, it's good forever but obviously it's good to stay up to date with teaching in general. You can also do specialization courses to just get a refresher, so like the specialization courses that we have include teaching English to young learners, teaching business English, and teaching English online. Those are good for a refresher and for enhancing your resume, so I would recommend that, but 2017 that's not that long ago so you're probably good to go.
So today we are focusing on teaching programs, so if you have other questions feel free to send them at the end when we will have a Q&A session.
The next program I would like to introduce is the JET Program in Japan.
This is also a very popular program and it's one of the oldest government-run teaching programs in the world. It stands for the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. It’s a government-backed scheme that places around 5,000 foreign nationals into schools across Japan each year. What's interesting about the JET Program is that there are three types of positions that you can apply for. So there's the assistant language teacher position known as ALT, which is about 80% of all those that apply. Then there's a coordinator of international relations, those are people who also have good Japanese language skills, so it's a bit of a higher position and you do need to speak Japanese for that. Then there's the sports exchange advisor, so that's basically not English teaching but sports so you would need to be a sports coach of some sort. You can apply at and also check that out for the specific requirements.
For the JET Program you really need to be into Japan as they really focus on the exchange between not only you teaching English but also between your community and your students. They want you to be interested in Japan and be willing to deepen your knowledge and appreciation of Japan. You also need to hold a bachelor's degree or higher. Although if you have only completed three years of college you can teach at the primary, elementary, or secondary level which is also great for a lot of people who don't have a four-year degree. You also need to be under the age of 40.
Okay then, what does the pay look like for the JET Program? It's also really good as it's a pre-tax salary of 280,000 Yen, which is currently around $2,600 US in your first year. The working hours are approximately 35 hours per week, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Airfares for travel to Japan plus the homeward flight on completion of the contract are paid for by the program. Also, you get paid holidays between 10 and 20 days plus all national holidays, it depends on which province you work in.
Vidya asks why is there an age limit for the program?
Well, I don't know why that age limit is there, but I do know that there's like a stereotype in many Asian countries that leads schools to think that younger teachers are more energetic and they can teach kids better because they have more energy. Of course that's not the case, but it is how many people think.
I recommend applying at as they're also currently hiring, so if you're interested in teaching in Japan I highly recommend the JET Program. I have a friend who worked for the JET Program for three years and she really liked it and then she came to Korea and worked here for five years on the EPIK Program.
The next program I would like to introduce is the TAPIF Program in France which stands for Teaching Assistant Program in France.
This is also a government initiative that places applicants into French state schools to work as teaching assistants. This is a great opportunity to live and work in France where it's often difficult to secure a long-term visa, especially for non-EU citizens. I know somebody said earlier that they were interested in teaching in France, so that might be something for you to check out. The details are at, that's the official website. The applications are evaluated based on the following things. You do need to have French language skills. You need to write a sort of essay in French about why you want to be on the program. You don't need to have teaching experience, but if you have teaching experience it's better as you would be evaluated higher. Any experience working with children or young adults is also great. As is experience of living abroad. The applicant's level of university studies are also very important. Also, general motivation and professionalism. All the details are on the website at, so I recommend you check that out.
Here's a little bit more information aboutr the TAPIF Program for you. Like I said, there is a statement of purpose essay in French that you need to write, it's only 500 words so it's actually not that bad. You also need to provide a scan of a valid passport, your university transcripts, language evaluation from a university French professor, letters of recommendation from academics or professionals, and there's a $60 application fee. They're currently hiring, so it's not a suspended program, it is still running despite everything that is going on right now.
Another program in Europe is the Cultural Ambassadors Program for teaching English in Spain.
It's run by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and it places up to 2500 American and Canadian citizens to teach English in Spanish primary and secondary schools. So you need to be either American or Canadian in order to qualify for this particular program and if you work in this program it requires you to work a set number of classes per week. In return you get a stipend of 700 euros per month. You also get health insurance coverage and a long stay work visa. You can actually apply now as it's running until January 27th for the 2021-2022 school year, so if that's something that you're interested in you should start applying after january 27th. You need to be American or Canadian aged between 21 and 60, which is a broad age gap, so that's really good.
In order to submit your application you should also have some Spanish skills as they provide extra points for Spanish language skills, so college transcripts, high school records, anything that shows that you have Spanish language skills is beneficial. You also need to prove physical and psychological suitability, so a medical form is required, I believe they give you the medical form that you need to fill out. Any academic achievements such as your bachelor's degree, plus any previous teaching experience or previous work with children are also valid. Experience living abroad is also something you need to submit. A TEFL or TESOL qualification is not compulsory, but it is highly beneficial. So as you can see, the more you submit the higher your chances of being placed on the program.
You also need to submit a statement of purpose, so an essay but this can be in English and not the local language like the French one was. So 250 to 300 words about why you want to be on the program, a copy of your reference letter from your employer or university, copies of your degrees and diplomas, TEFL certificates and also a copy of your valid passport. Check out their official website. So if you're interested in teaching English in Spain, remember it can be difficult for non-EU citizens to secure work visas to teach in Europe, this program is really good because it's focused on Americans and Canadians so that's a great way to get your foot into the door in Europe.
All right, let me take a look at the comments here with another one from Vidya. The teaching age limit for the JET Program is a damper, I was not aware of that, so online teaching might be better for me in the future?
Well, I would still recommend reaching out to the JET Program to make sure, in your case maybe depending on your qualifications and the fact that you are already in Japan. Either way, you have other options despite your age. Like I said, there might be some loophole in the program that I'm not aware of in terms of age that might be good for you, so I recommend you email or call them. Alternatively, if you want to take the course for online teaching, you can find that on our website and because you already have a TEFL you would only need the extra specialization course. I can also drop the link into the comment box in a little bit for you if you like.
The next program to look at is the CETP in Hungary.
This is another European program called the Central European Teaching Program. This is also quite a long-running program that places applicants into schools in Hungary to work as English language teachers. Contracts are between 10 months and a year in duration and it usually starts in September until mid-June the next year. You can also apply for six-month contracts which is great because a lot of positions are for a year or sometimes even two years depending on where you want to teach. So if you're looking for something more short term this program might be really good because you can have the six month option so you can go January to June for example.
For this program, if you get accepted, there is a five to seven day orientation in Budapest prior to the beginning of the school year, you also typically have 22 to 26 classes per week. Teachers are paid a salary in local currency according to the same pay scale as native teachers, so you make the same money as native teachers in Hungary. You also get health insurance and accommodation is provided for the duration of your stay. The CETP provides all the documents necessary to receive your work visa after arrival, so they really take care of you. They guide you through the whole process so that's also really great if that's something you're interested in. I've been to Budapest and it's beautiful, I would love to go there again on this program actually.
Let's take a look at more comments here. What is the best TEFL course for me to take?
It really depends on what your goal is. We offer TEFL courses between 60 hours of training and 550 hours of training, so there's a lot of different options for you. We also have online courses, in-class courses, and combined courses, so it all depends on what you want. But if you don't have any TEFL yet, I always recommend starting at the 120-hour certification level because 120 hours is pretty much the standard certificate now for teaching English abroad. So that's a good one to start with and you can find that on I'm posting the link into the comment box so you can check that out. But as I said, if you don't have any certification yet I highly recommend starting at the 120-hour level and then you can top it up with specializations in teaching business English, teaching English to young learners, or teaching English online, things like that. Once you have that you can then get the Diploma in TESOL.
All right, back to Hungary and the Central European Teaching Program. The requirements for this program are you need to be a native English speaker from the US, Canada, UK, or any other EU country. So again the options are a little bit more open than the previous program in Spain and it's another great opportunity for people from outside of the EU, so us Americans or Canadians can get our foot in the door in Europe. There's no official upper age limit which is also great for anyone who wants to do it. You need to have a bachelor's degree and a minimum of a 40-hour online TEFL course. What's also great in this program is that you can also bring your partner, a friend, or family member along with you and you can be placed together which is great. Also this might be good for some people who don't want to teach English but have some other skill, you can actually also teach something beside English so for example a lot of teachers under this program also teach history, literature, German, social studies, American and British culture or whatever. And they are all taught in English except German obviously. Some teachers also become sports coaches for things like basketball, soccer, or other sports. Check out this program on the official website.
The next program I would like to talk about is the NET Scheme in Hong Kong.
NET stands for Native Speaking English Teacher and this program has been implemented in public sector secondary and primary schools in Hong Kong since 1998. Teachers under this program either work as primary NETS or secondary NETS, so there's two options. The appointment is a two-year contract and it normally starts in mid-August and ends in mid-August two years later. It is also possible to renew it after expiry. I actually know somebody who worked under the NET Scheme in Hong Kong and it was great, they loved it and they were there for the two years. She was there with her sister which was also really great, they were both in the scheme. They didn't live together though because they worked in different parts of the city, and you get your apartment from your school.
So let's take a look at primary NETS versus secondary NETS to find out which one fits you better.
Primary NETS teach English to students and assist in teacher and curriculum development in public sector primary schools for students aged between 6 and 12. And secondary NETS teach English to students in secondary schools with students aged between 12 and 19. So it depends on whether you prefer teaching younger kids or older kids, and also your qualifications.
So let's take a look at the requirements for the NET Scheme in Hong Kong.
You need to be a native speaker of English or possess native English speaker level competence. So in this program they actually never mention any sort of citizenship or nationality like most similar programs, they don't care about that but you do need to be a native or near native English speaker. You also need to have a TEFL or TESOL qualification, a bachelor's degree in any subject. The official website is right here, it's a little bit confusing but if you google NET Scheme Hong Kong you should see this website,
About the pay, so there is a monthly salary of between 25,000 and 60,000 Hong Kong Dollars which is currently between $3,200 and $7,700, so that's a really good salary. But Hong Kong is also a little bit expensive, but it's still a pretty good salary. They also assist you in finding suitable accommodation and they give you a housing allowance of around 20,000 HK. I actually have to correct myself because I said earlier that they give you free housing, but they actually only help you find a house near the school and you get a housing allowance. They also pay for your round-trip airfare from your home country and you can also bring up to four family members which is really cool. You get a relocation allowance to assist with the transport cost of your personal belongings, so if you're moving with your whole family and you bring all of your stuff they help with that. All in all, it's a very good deal.
The last program I'm going to talk about is the EODP program in Chile.
It stands for the English Opens Doors Program. Unfortunately, it's currently suspended due to COVID, but if that's something you're interested in just keep checking the website regularly. I don’t think they're doing it in 2021 but they might start it again for next year, so you can jump on the wagon then. The English Opens Doors Program is sponsored by the Chilean Ministry of Education and the United Nations Development Program. Its objective is to improve the level of English in students in high school, so students aged between 13 and 18 years of Age.
The requirements for this program are you need to be between 21 and 35, so that's a little bit narrow there. You also need to be a native or near native English speaker. You need to have a bachelor's degree and what's also important is that you need to have sufficient funds to get you through the program from start to finish because it's more of a volunteer program. You do get some money, but it's not much especially if you want to travel and explore the region.
So let's talk about the benefits of this program in Chile.
All meals are included in the program. You have a week-long orientation course at the beginning in Santiago. You get free transportation within Chile, which is really cool. I believe you get issued some sort of transportation card that you can also use to get free health insurance. You also get a free online Spanish course. There's no visa fee. The actual allowance that you get is currently 100,000 Chilean pesos for each month of completed service, so depending on how long you stay. This is currently around $135 per month, but typically they would pay this at the end of your experience once you've completed all the program. Although it looks like some schools or organizations, depending on where you work, pay every other month. So you would need to check that out with them. Oh, and all housing costs are also covered if you choose the home-stay option. Homestay means you would stay with a local family which can be a really fun and interesting experience. So, this program is still suspended due to COVID, but I still wanted to mention it because it's the only program of its kind in South America.
Well, that’s all the programs I wanted to share with you guys today, I hope you found it interesting. So now I am going to share the 30% discount code that I promised you earlier. It is valid for all ITTT TEFL and TESOL courses, and you can either scan this QR code with your phone or use the discount link in the comment section. Simply click on that link and it leads you straight to the application page and once you fill out your application at the end when you hit that green button you'll see the discounted price. You can either pay there and then or come back and complete your payment at any time in the future.
This is also where I start the Q&A session, so if there are any questions not only about teaching programs, but about any other TEFL or teaching issue, now is your chance to throw your questions at me. Don’t forget that we go live every week, twice a week. I go live on Fridays or Thursdays, depending on where you are in the world, and my colleague Liza goes live on Tuesdays and if you are a non-native English speaker check her out as she has a lot of great tips for that, also if you're interested in teaching English online I recommend checking her out as she does a lot of online teaching.
I would also really like to know what other topics you would like us to talk about during our live sessions. Because we are doing these for you guys so we want to make sure that they are interesting to you, that there is something that helps you.
All right, we have a question from Vidya. I had a look on the website, is this the link to the online teaching course as I already enrolled on the 120-hour course. Let me make sure on the website, ah yes specialized courses and then you scroll down to the CTEO certification and there it is either with tutor support or without tutor support.
Somebody else is asking for links for online teaching jobs for non-native English speakers. Okay, is that a topic suggestion? I think my colleague Liza did something similar in her last live stream on Tuesday. You could check that out as she was talking about how she plans for online lessons, but there was one part where she mentions all the online teaching platforms that hire non-native English teachers. You will find it on our Facebook page or on YouTube where it says live videos and then look for the one from Tuesday.
Okay, Irma says I was waiting for Thailand and Vietnam. Unfortunately, they do not have any specific teaching programs, they just hire directly into schools. I'm sorry those countries were not part of this session.
Gwendolyn says I would love to learn about any teaching programs in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. So like I said, I don't think any of those countries have teaching programs, but I will do some research and check to be sure as there might be something new that I don’t know about. Let me write that down. What we do have though is connections with a lot of recruiters who place teachers into schools in those countries, so if that's something you're interested in let me share a link with all our recruitment partners because they have a lot of positions. There's one specifically who has positions in Thailand all the time or Taiwan, places like that. Okay Gwendolyn, check that out via this link. Those are our recruitment partners and they do a lot of work in Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia.
Right, I think that is it for today. Thanks so much for joining, it was a lot of fun today. I hope you guys found it a little bit interesting and you found something useful to take away from it. I hope to see you guys next week and feel free to reach out on my personal account if you have any questions, I would love to have a conversation with you. And let us know what other topics you'd be interested in hearing about next week. There are so many familiar faces every week which I really appreciate. It's great, it's like our own little TEFL family.
I wish all of you a wonderful day, evening, night, wherever you are and I will see you all next week. Thanks so much for tuning in.
Have a good one bye, bye.
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