Most Useful Methods to Increase Interest in Learning English in Your Students

Motivation can be categorized into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is a drive that comes from within a person. People are intrinsically motivated when they enjoy doing an activity. Extrinsic motivation is a drive that comes from outside of a person. People are extrinsically motivated when they want to gain a reward (like a prize or a good grade) or avoid a punishment. Motivating Students to Learn English with some Smart Tactics are as follows:
This post was written by our TEFL certification graduate Nigar S. Please note that this blog post might not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of ITTT.
Make Class Communicative:
One way to encourage students’ intrinsic motivation is to make class communicative. Part of the joy of language is using it to communicate. Language learners get a rush when they can successfully translate their thoughts into words and get their points across. The more we encourage our students to communicate in class, the more motivated they’ll be. They’ll see that they’re accomplishing their goals even as they’re learning, and the success and achievement will make them readier to learn.
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Make English Practical:
People don’t like doing pointless things. They want to know that there’s a purpose behind what they do even if the activity is as simple as digging a hole. One way to keep things practical in class is to use realia whenever possible. Realia is just another way to say materials that are created with native speakers in mind. Bringing realia into the classroom will make students more prepared for what they’ll find outside your classroom walls.
Forge Relationships:
Generally speaking, people don’t care what you know until they know that you care. That’s why forging relationships with students is so important. Particularly if we teaching international students, we may be the only English speaker they see or speak with regularly. Supporting your students is something you need to do before you can motivate them.
You can let your students know that you care about them and where they come from by encouraging expressions of culture in class. Be on the lookout for any opportunities to have students share their values, beliefs, and traditions.
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Make Class Fun:
Making class fun is a surefire way to up intrinsic motivation levels. When students are having a good time, they’ll be more engaged in learning. Their motivation will come from them rather than from you. You just have to find the best ways to help students have a good time while they learn.
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Give Feedback:
Always consider feedback carefully. The right quantity and quality of the feedback are important for forging the right relationships with the students. If we spend too much time correcting every error they make, you’ll end up estranging your students. They may respect your knowledge, but they won’t feel connected to you personally. It’s important to give positive feedback, like compliments and encouragement. Encourage peer feedback and self-evaluation, and make time for all this in your lesson plans each day. Your students have valuable things to share with their classmates. Be sure to make it possible.
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It’s also great to celebrate achievements regularly. This doesn’t mean rewarding every action your students perform. That type of extrinsic motivation will only serve to demotivate them, or it will feel disingenuous. No, I mean taking time out to talk about the things your students have accomplished and giving them the space to brag on themselves a little. Go around in a circle and have everyone share something they believe they did well that day, that week or that semester. Have their peers give them a round of applause, compliments or “snaps” to celebrate!
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